Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Unlocking NPC Friendship

This is the quest list of unlocking NPC Friendship

Requirements =>  Quests that have to be done before the NPC can be unlocked
Friendship Quest => The quest that allows you to befriend the NPC after you have completed the quest 
The friendship ques is unlocked when you see 'pink love logo' above the NPC

Calderock Village 
1. Heraldy Scholar Bailey
Requirements: Cloth Chaser Title (Obtained by looting Ragged Loin Cloths from Goblins in all dungeons in Dragon Nest)

2. Merchant May
Requirements: Achieve 100 gold in your inventory

3. Warehouse Keeper Rupert
Requirements: Reach Lvl 15

4. Warrior Trainer Chandler
Requirements : Complete Lvl 22 Orc Grim Challenge 1, 2, 3 at Prayer Resting Place
Friendship Quest [Lvl 22] Fate of a Rival

5. Adventure Guild Master Deckard
Requirements: Lvl 22 Awakened Guardian (Main Quest after Completeng Prayer Resting Place)
Friendship Quest : Lvl 22 Helping Deckard

6. Kevin
Requirements: Main Quest Lvl???
Friendship Quest: ???

7. Airship Engineer Hubert
Requirements: Achieve 10% Friendship with Kevin
Friendship Quest: Lvl 14 The Handle (Collect 1 Shield Handle from Orcs at Sleeper Temple)

8. Invisible Thief
Requirements: Complete Invisible Body IV

Saint Haven
1. Blacksmith Berlin
Requirements : Have title Minus Hand obtained from failing to enhance items a lot of times 
Friendship Quest: Lvl 24 Blacksmith Family

2. Lofty the Beggar
Requirements: Reach Level 38
Friendship Quest: Lvl 38 Cursed Gold Coin Talk to Merchant May > Talk to lofty Hair kid

3. Merchant Kelly
Requirements:Complete Dark Elf Teleju I, II, III, IV, V, VI
Friendship Quest: Lvl 37 Secretly Say Goodbye

4. Merchant Pero
Requirements: Complete Merchant Study 1, 2, 3, 4 Note : For Merchant Study 2, the answer to Merchant Kelly question is the option with apple jam and Beauty
Friendship Quest: Lvl 34 Skill of Bluff

5. Lady Kayleen
Requirements: Complete Lvl 27 Unwakeable Dream questline involving Eloise and Merchant Milo at Hermalte Port, Complete Main Quest up to Lvl 33 Main Quest Line
Friendship Quest: Lvl 33 Kayleen Weird Dream 1 (Forsaken Islet Core)

6. Duke Stuart
Requirements: Lvl 30 Being Human (Main Quest)
Friendship Quest: Lvl 30 Duke Heartfelt Feelings

7. Velskud
Requirements: Whereabouts of the Apostle
Friendship Quest: NIL

8. Lena 
Requirements: Lvl 25 Dragon Followers (Abandoned Welton Hollow ?) --> Lvl 25 Meeting the Lady (Dark Mines) --> Lvl 25 Missing Ring (Viscount Arlento --> Dark Mines) -->Disappearance of Viscount Arlento (Abandoned Welton Hollow)--> Lvl 26 Stolen Books (Forsaken Islet, Quest from General Douglas) -->  Lvl 27 Identity of White Rose  (Dark Ovelord Keep) 
Friendship Quest : Lvl 27 The one who knows Another Side of me (Dark Overlord Keep to talk to White Rose again)

9. General Douglas
Requirements: Lvl 25 Dragon Followers (Abandoned Welton Hollow ?) --> Lvl 25 Meeting the Lady (Dark Mines) --> Lvl 25 Destruction of Evidence (Dark Mines) (Final Friendship Quest)

10. Adventure Guildmaster Gunther
Requirements: Lvl 26 Black Overlord Mansion(Main Quest) --> lvl 28 Boosting Morale (Have to do Dark Overlord Keep 3 times to get the stinky rods from the goblins
Friendship Quest: Lvl 28 Defend Againsts the Dark Army (Dark Overlord Army) 

11. Master Archer Ithilien
Requirements: Lvl 32 Main Quests
Friendship Quest: Lvl 32 Healing Tears (Spirit Grave Tomb)

12. Master Sorceress Stella
Requirements: Warrior Trainer Rodrigo Quest (Lvl 29 : Harmful Plant 1) --> Lvl 30 Garden Protector 
Friendship Quest: Lvl 30 Annoyance

13. Guard Joey
Requirements: Complete Identity of White Rose Questline to Unlock Lvl 30 Timid Man 1 (Flooded Down Stream ruins) --> Timid Man 2 (Flooded Down Stream ruins) --> Lvl 33 A Backfired Plan (Spirit Grave Tomb)--> Lvl 33 Fallen Love --> Lvl 33 Winning Rally 
Friendship Quest: Lvl 33 Suspiscious Assembly 

14. Tamer Lindsay
Requirements: 10 % Friendship with Events Planner Irine
Friendship Quest: Lvl 32 My Name (Talk to Events Planner Irine and donate 10 Rough Agates) 

15. Master Cleric Enoch
Requirements: Lvl 38 Whereabouts of the Apostle (Main Quest)
Friendship Quest: Lvl 38 Mid Life True Love

16. Exchange Deacon Deowen
Requirements: 10 % Friendship with Merchant Pero 
Friendship Quest: Lvl 38 Trading Basics

17. King Cassius
Requirements: Lvl 24 Saint Haven Fortress (Main Quest)
Friendship Quest:  Lvl 24 Dreaming Boy Talk to Messy Hair Lad --> Talk to King Cassius

Other NPCs
1. Vigiliante Leader Steve
Requirements : 10% Friendship with Merchant May
Friendship Quest: Lvl 15 Matchmaking

2. Soceress Tara
Requirements: Achieve 10 % Friendship with Master Sorceress Stella
Friendship Quest: Lvl 32 Tara Predicament 

3. Lily
Requirements: Complete Ashes of a Saint IV
Friendship Quest: ?? 

4. Priestess of Darkness Mio
Requirements: ???
Friendship Quest: ???

NOTES: After the updates, this "unlocking NPC" system become unnecessary. The friendship is already unlocked now, you can gift any NPC without unlocking them first.

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