Sunday, 6 September 2015

Lagendia Continent Exploration Guide

This is Lagendia Continent Exploration Map

click to see real size

You can see there's 24 columns including start and finish
but we don't need to count start column so it will be 23 maps including finish

I will give some resume about the dungeons:

1st Island - Island of Destroyed Future
just finish the stage in the time given, but be careful
our skills drains too much MP consumption in Lagendia
this stage has 2 stage : beat all monster outside the door and inside the door
so make sure you use your skill wisely

2nd Island - Island of Fallen Hero
just finish the stage in the time given
this has 3 bosses but you won't have any problem

3rd Island - Island of Raging Machine
just finish the stage in the time given
there will be only 1 monster
finish him quickly before he attacks because it can land you big damage,
you may die by his super attack, so be careful

4th Island - Island of Collapsed City
just finish the stage in the time given

5th Island - Island of Rhapsody
follow the rhythm in time given, make sure you won't do any mistake
there are 3 stage

6th Island - Island of Hungry Mongrel (gold box)
just finish the stage in the time given
hit one the head of the Cerberus or it won't receive any damage

7th Island - Island of Collapsed Mine
just finish the stage in the time given

8th Island - Island of Missing Treasure

9th Island - Dangerous Alien
just finish the stage in the time given

10th Island - Hidden Imposer
just finish the stage in the time given and watch out for your MP
this stage has a lot of monsters which are separate
you need to use skill wisely or you will be running out of MP

11th Island - Island of Riddles
find the right goblins and orcs that same as at the picture
Click here to know How to Solve Lagendia Island of Riddles

12th Island - Island of Pitiful Slave
just finish the stage in the time given
hit the head or it won't receive any damage

13th Island - Island of Hidden Armory
just finish the stage in the time given

14th Island - Island of Hidden Map Fragment
just finish the stage in the time given and don't get caught by the goblins
but don't worry the stage will fail if you are caught 9 times
be careful of running out of time too

15th Island - Island of Hidden Waterfall
just finish the stage in the time given

16th Island - Resilient Hero
just finish the stage in the time given
same as Island of Fallen Hero

17th Island - Island of Coffin Guardian
just finish the stage in the time given

18th Island - Island of Powerful Intruder
just finish the stage in the time given
hit the tail or it won't receive any damage

19th Island - Island of Foggy Nightmare
just finish the stage in the time given

20th Island - Island of Duplicate Mirror
just finish the stage in the time given

21st Island - Island of Dangerous Tornado
mostly like treacherous path in wonderful themepark

22nd Island - Island of Rampaging Pirate
just finish the stage in the time given

23th Island - Festive Finish Treasure
where you get your rewards :D

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