Enhancement is for improve the quality of their equipment. You can enhance equips in blacksmith.
Weapons can be enhanced to increase their magical and physical damage stat contribution. Armour can be enhanced to increase its health and mana stat contribution.
As enhancement level gets higher, the cost and risk of enhancing grows larger.
Higher item levels and item rarities also increase the cost of enhancing
To enhance rare equipment, you need agate gem (rough agate for lv 16 - 24, ordinary agate for lv 32 - 40, polished agate for lv 45 - 50, flawless agate for lv 60-70, premium agate for lv 80)
To enhance epic equipment, you need:
Alteum gem (rough alteum for lv 16 - 24, ordinary alteum for lv 32 - 40, polished alteum for lv 45 - 50, flawless alteum for lv 60-70, premium alteum for lv 80)
You also need diamond gem to enhance above +6 equipment
To enhance legend equipment, you need Essence of Life
Only armors and weapons that can be enhanced. Items that obtained from NPC (quest or purchase) cannot be enhanced. Accessories cannot be enhanced.
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Item Production (Old Updates)
Item Production is performed by talking to any Blacksmith and accessing his crafting menu. In order to craft an item players must have all the materials listed in its recipe. Some materials can be found at Chaos Opening
Item Production operations divided into four categories:
a. Adding a suffix to a weapon or an armor piece of Rare or Epic rarity, which improves its stats significantly and adds a special effect that happens with a certain probability.
here's the link where to get the crafting materials
b. Changing the prefix of an Epic rarity accessory, which grants stat bonuses and allows it to improve one skill by one level.
here's the link how to get the materials
c. Creating a set of Nest Boss equipment (Elf Corps set, Cerberus set, Manticore set, Apocalypse set, Totem set) from its materials
Once the player has all the listed materials, crafting can be performed for a fee in the menu itself and 100% success.
d. Refining Gift Items and gem to higher quality versions using Octagonal Water.
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a. The materials drops from monster at dungeon |
a. Adding a suffix to a weapon or an armor piece of Rare or Epic rarity, which improves its stats significantly and adds a special effect that happens with a certain probability.
here's the link where to get the crafting materials
![]() |
b. Changing the prefix of an Epic rarity accessory |
b. Changing the prefix of an Epic rarity accessory, which grants stat bonuses and allows it to improve one skill by one level.
here's the link how to get the materials
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c. The materials only can be obtained from Nest |
c. Creating a set of Nest Boss equipment (Elf Corps set, Cerberus set, Manticore set, Apocalypse set, Totem set) from its materials
Once the player has all the listed materials, crafting can be performed for a fee in the menu itself and 100% success.
d. Refining Gift Items and gem to higher quality versions using Octagonal Water.
Spiral Code and Vortex Code (Old updates)
What is Spiral and Vortex code?
Spiral or vortex code are used to enhance item without fail. Spiral or vortex code only can be purchased by exchanging comet dust and sun spark. These items are sold in Blacksmith.
Comet dust and sun spark can be obtained from disassemble machine or nest
The difference of spiral code and vortex code
Spiral code has a prerequisite of 1 level lower than the upgrade level of the code. That means, for example: to be able to use a +7 40 Epic Grade Spiral Code (Secondary Weapon), you need a +6 level 40 main weapon.
Vortex codes doesn't need this prerequisite. it can be used to enhance for example from +0 to +7 directly.

NOTES: After the update, spiral code or vortex code or comet dust are not necessary anymore. All equip items that dissembled will turn out to be alteum or agate
Spiral or vortex code are used to enhance item without fail. Spiral or vortex code only can be purchased by exchanging comet dust and sun spark. These items are sold in Blacksmith.
Comet dust and sun spark can be obtained from disassemble machine or nest
The difference of spiral code and vortex code
Spiral code has a prerequisite of 1 level lower than the upgrade level of the code. That means, for example: to be able to use a +7 40 Epic Grade Spiral Code (Secondary Weapon), you need a +6 level 40 main weapon.
Vortex codes doesn't need this prerequisite. it can be used to enhance for example from +0 to +7 directly.

NOTES: After the update, spiral code or vortex code or comet dust are not necessary anymore. All equip items that dissembled will turn out to be alteum or agate
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Acrobat to Windwalker Lv 50 T4 Skill Build
This is my lv 50 Windwalker Skill Build T4 version :)
Here's link to check T4 skill simulator
Some people choose windwalker because she can fly but in new updates, windwalker can't fly anymore, spirit shots cannot be used until the character touch the ground (so sad to hear this) :'(
but i'm still choosing windwalker tho
Multishot - Good for spamming , not bad damage , can attack knock down targets. Lv 16 is the last big % damage boost
Tumble, Power tumble, Aerial Evasion, Mind Conquer - all max. mind conquer (mana regen) really needed for windwalker because having spiral kick maxed really drain your MP
Moon kick, Pin Wheel, Somersault kick - Moon kick helps to reach ground fast/ prevents getting stuck in the air when eagle dive and spiral edge at cd.
Somersault kick for double somersault combo
Physical mastery, Mental mastery - extra points go here, increase hp% and mp% (not really important)
Magic arrow - not really needed but i take for long range spam, sometimes can be really useful in pvp
Wise of the Owl , Rage of the owl - increase critical rate 50% and critical chance 10%
Spirit Shot, Air Pounce - lv 11 and lv 7 for big % damage boost , these can be really useful because windwalker can do infinite combo while using showtime
Blooming kick - increase 10% stun chance every lv , i decided only to put it at 1, u can put it on lv 2 or 3 for increasing stun chance
Eagle dive, Circle Shot - great damage but lack of sp, so i let it stay on lv 1, but make it lv 2 or 3 wont be bad as long u have sp
Chain trampoline, Tip top, Shortbow mastery - max to shorten the cooldown.
Shortbow mastery for increase attack range and damage
Spirit Excellation, Spirit boost - max
increase agility in big amount, spirit boost for longer use time
Double Somersault - this really useful at pvp 1vs1, if u like pvp and have more sp, just put it here (option)
Cyclone kick, Spiral vortex - both are archers main skill, great damage, max!! Must max!
Hope this can help, any comments are acceptable :)
Here's link to check T4 skill simulator
Some people choose windwalker because she can fly but in new updates, windwalker can't fly anymore, spirit shots cannot be used until the character touch the ground (so sad to hear this) :'(
but i'm still choosing windwalker tho
Multishot - Good for spamming , not bad damage , can attack knock down targets. Lv 16 is the last big % damage boost
Tumble, Power tumble, Aerial Evasion, Mind Conquer - all max. mind conquer (mana regen) really needed for windwalker because having spiral kick maxed really drain your MP
Moon kick, Pin Wheel, Somersault kick - Moon kick helps to reach ground fast/ prevents getting stuck in the air when eagle dive and spiral edge at cd.
Somersault kick for double somersault combo
Physical mastery, Mental mastery - extra points go here, increase hp% and mp% (not really important)
Magic arrow - not really needed but i take for long range spam, sometimes can be really useful in pvp
Wise of the Owl , Rage of the owl - increase critical rate 50% and critical chance 10%
Blooming kick - increase 10% stun chance every lv , i decided only to put it at 1, u can put it on lv 2 or 3 for increasing stun chance
Eagle dive, Circle Shot - great damage but lack of sp, so i let it stay on lv 1, but make it lv 2 or 3 wont be bad as long u have sp
Chain trampoline, Tip top, Shortbow mastery - max to shorten the cooldown.
Shortbow mastery for increase attack range and damage
Spirit Excellation, Spirit boost - max
increase agility in big amount, spirit boost for longer use time
Double Somersault - this really useful at pvp 1vs1, if u like pvp and have more sp, just put it here (option)
Cyclone kick, Spiral vortex - both are archers main skill, great damage, max!! Must max!
Hope this can help, any comments are acceptable :)
Dragon Nest New Skill Tree T4
DN Skill Tree Revamp + Skill Reset (Important)
This Level 50 update brings about some significant changes to the Skill Trees in Dragon Nest. All players are strongly advised to read through the information provided below to prevent making any distressing mistakes with your character skill builds as there will not be any free [Skill Initialization Scroll] given through quests from Levels 41-50.
*However, please note that we have already performed an automated skill reset for all characters in all worlds upon completion of patch update on 28/08/12. Do NOT be alarmed by empty hotkey slots, this is merely a part of the skill reset conducted.
With the introduction of the Skill Tree Revamp, there are some implications that players will face. These changes are more evident as the revamp was implemented while majority of players are at level 40.
The skill tree revamp requires players to spend a minimum of skill points (SP) on their basic class tree (eg. Warrior, cleric, archer, academic & Sorceress) so that they can learn skills in their 1 st job tree.
A minimum of 40SP is required for players to learn level 32 skills and 45SP is required for the learning of the ultimate skills. Academic based classes are an exception where only 35SP is required for learning of Level 32 skills. For those who are going for perfect or ideal builds for your respective classes, you might have difficulty in achieving these minimum requirements without deviating from your perfect/ideal skill builds that were meant for Level 50.
The majority of classes will be able to hit the minimum requirement of 40SP spent in their basic tree while not deviating from their perfect/ideal skill builds. This allows them to at least learn Level 32 skills which usually deal significant damage hence allow or easier clearing of dungeons while leveling to 50.
Those classes that are unfortunate to not spend at least 40 SP (35SP for Academic Based classes) will need to rely on their other low level skills for leveling. You will however in the end still be able to learn your level 32 and ultimate skills, but just not at level 40 if you want to maintain the integrity of having a perfect/ideal build in the end.
We have included a guide below (in the forum posts) to aid players with their allocation of skill points for their classes while they are at level 40 so that they do not risk the usage of a [Skill Initialization Scroll].
Screenshots of recommendations for all 20 classes are included below. Do note that the builds are mostly based off PVE ideal/perfect builds and players must use discretion in deciding if the builds provided in the guide is the ideal/perfect build they are going for.
Each screenshot will be accompanied by a short written explanation to enlighten players some of the thoughts behind the decision making.
Here's the link to check the new version T4 skill simulator (the language is still in chines)
Dragon Nest SEA Releases Level 50 Cap and New Job Advancements
Dragon Nest SEA celebrates their first anniversary with a whopping update that includes an increase in the level cap, a new town map, second job advancements that will definitely pump up every DNSEA fanatic and attract new players to the field!
So read on for the full patch notes and download links as we all venture into Lagendia and come one step closer to defeating the Archbishop!
[New Content]
- New Town Added: Lotus Marsh
- New Nest Added: Archbishop Nest (Normal)
- 5 new Lotus Marsh dungeons with additional Lv. 40 ~ 50 quests and missions
- 2nd Job Advancements available at Lotus Marsh
- New Exchange Essence System: Trade five Lv. 50 essences for one of your choice
- One new Pet Achievement at Lv. 20
- New Guild Search Function
- Beginners Channel in Colosseum for Ranks Senior Soldier and below
Cash Shop
- New Level 30 Costumes of the Month
- New Limited Edition Lucky Animal Package Box (class-specific) that contains one random helm: Duck Cap, Frog Cap, Koala Cap, Blue Whale Cap, Pink Whale Cap, White Flower Cap (30 days or permanent)
- School Uniforms returned due to popular demand, along with three new Academic uniform costumes
- New 'Magnificent Black Wings' in Altea's Gacha-Box
- Revamp of Level Up Rewards System
- Revamp of Party System: Search improvements and invite characters from different towns and world zones (Dark Lair, Farm, Colosseum)
- Revamp of Skill Tree System (Note: All existing Skill Points pumped will been reset automatically) and Skill Books are no longer required to learn new skills
- Character Skills Re-balancing
- Suffix Stats Re-balancing
- 1st Job Advancements’ time requirement is reduced
- Dungeon: Stages are now reduced from 4 to 3: Forest Sanctuary, Silent Monastery Main Hall, Road of No Return, Dark Mines, Collapsed Mines, Flooded Downstream Ruins, Spirit Grave Tomb, Road to Death City, Dark Overlord Tower, Gates to City of Death
- Dungeon: Epic equipment now drops in Abyss Mode
- Quests: More sub-quests can be proceeded with main quests
- Quests: NPC Friendship Quests easier to identify
- Bulletin Board: EXP for low level Bulletin Board missions significantly increased
- UI: Hound loading screen now comes with an orange loading bar to track loading progress
- UI: Option to hide Quest Mark is now set to default
- UI: Player Information Window now reflects buffed stats in tooltip
- No NPC travelling fees between towns
- Sealed items can now be sold to shops directly, but re-purchased items will be unsealed
- DNP Vouchers no longer tradable in Trading House (existing DNP Voucher listings on Trading House will be expired)
- Master and Apprentice System: Master can now accept up to Lv.39 Apprentices. Graduation still remains at Lv.40
- FTG/ABP System: FTG restrictions on Lv.40 is now increased to Lv.50
- Entrance tickets no longer required for all Nests except SDN and Archbishop Nest
- Archbishop Nest: Characters may revive maximum of 5 times in Normal mode
- Ladder System: 1v1 and 3v3 requirement increased from Lv. 40 to 50
- Ladder System: Opponent jobs will only be revealed when match start
- Change in Colosseum Character Mark appearance in All Kill & 1:1 Ladder Modes
Chaos Opening
- Requirements and duration reduced
- Removal of 2012 Summer Special Events
Cash Shop
- Removal of Summer Seasonal Costumes
- Removal of English Seasonal Costumes
- Summer Seasonal Costumes can now be traded
- Cash Shop Coupon System “Unknown Error”
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Guild War: The Clash Begins (BETA)
With the Guild War registration phase kick-starting off today, it’s finally time to hop on over to Saint Haven and report to Adventurer’s Guild Master Gunter to sign your guild up in the most electrifying guild competition ever!
Guild War Schedule
Guild Registration Period: 20th July – 26th July
Preliminary Period: 27th July – 4th August
Reward Period: 5th August – 11th August
Finals: 11th August
Finals Breakdown (11th August):
- Opening Round: 1500HRS
- Quarterfinals Round: 1600HRS
- Semifinals Round: 1700HRS
- Grand Finals Round: 1800HRS
*All timings are in GMT+8
The Guild War is played out in 3 main phases:
1) Registration Phase
This is the first phase of every Guild War. Guilds from each world (Westwood, Springwood, Greenwood & Holywood) looking to step into the glorious battle must first register during this period. This phase lasts for only 7 days.
To register your guild, you will have to head up over to Saint Haven and report in to Adventurer’s Guild Master Gunther.
Upon registration, your guild will automatically be assigned to either the Blue or Red team. A new icon will be displayed next to your character name that will indicate which team your guild has been placed it.
*Guilds cannot withdraw their registrations during the Guild War. Please note that the guild member list will be fully locked (meaning no one can join or leave the guild during that time) for the length of the Guild War.
Pro Tip: You should register your guild up for the Guild War even if you think your guild is not strong enough to fight in the actual War Phase as every member in your guild can help earn Guild Points during the Selection Phase. Guild Points earned can be converted to Guild Celebration Points which can be used to purchase various items in the Guild War Shop!
2) Preliminary Phase
The second phase is known as the Selection Phase. This is where all registered guilds compete to gain Guild Points through completing Guild Achievements. The Top 16 Guilds with the most number of Guild Points attained will move on and advance to the final War Phase. The Selection Phase also lasts for 7 days.
To take a look at the Guild Achievements available, simply look at your Achievement Menu which can be accessed by pressing the ‘L’ key.
All guild members contribute Guild Points to their guild by completing the Guild Achievements shown above. All Guild Achievements are completely repeatable!
3) Final Phase (Guild War)
This is it – crunch time. After working hard to earn all those points to push your guild forward it’s time to finally sound the drums of war and step unto the battlefield with the other top tier guilds that have been doing the exact same.
All Guild Points accumulated thus far at the end of the Preliminary Phase will be tabulated and the Top 16 Guilds with the most number of Guild Points will be selected and brought forward to the Final Phase.
The results and points accumulated by the selected guilds will be displayed on the Guild War Forum board, located right next to Adventurer’s Guild Master Gunther. The war itself will take place in the Colosseum channel under the Guild War map.
Minotaur Nest Speedrun Challenge (21–27 Jul)
Adventurers, listen up. Those monsters think they could surprise us at the Farm last week and kick our sorry asses eh?
Look who’s gonna be absolutely sorry now. There’s nothing sweeter than the taste of revenge, so let’s turn the tables right back on their dumb faces. Gather your weapons – a Minotaur massacre begins.
We want to hit them back hard and we want to hit them back FAST.
So here’s the deal:
1) Form a party of 4 to clear the Minotaur Nest with from 21 – 27 July.
2) Record the FULL footage of the nest run (with cleared timing) in at least 720p definition or better.
3) Upload the video to Youtube and make it private. (Complete continous footage is best accepted)
4) Send an email to dnevents@cherrycredits.com with the private video link, party member names, and cleared timing as your submission.
One team with the fastest timing submitted will be chosen from each world for a total of 4 winning teams.
Each party member of the winning teams will receive an exclusive cute Spectre Plushie!

Isn’t that just adorable? Submit your fastest Minotaur Nest timings and win one for yourself today!
Terms and Conditions
- Players are required to form a party of 4 members to clear the nest in the fastest time.
- Players who wish to take part in this challenge must appoint 1 person from the party to record the footage of the run.
- Record the FULL footage of the attempt (with cleared timing) in at least 720p definition or better, upload it to Youtube, and submit the link to dnevents@cherrycredits.com.
- Complete continuous footage is best accepted.
- Do not upload your Youtube videos for public viewing.
- All character names must be clearly visible in the video given.
- Video must be submitted before 2359HRS at the end date of each nest event.
- 1 winning team will immerge from each world. (Total of 4 winning teams across all worlds)
*Shipping and handling charges may apply for the prize delivery if your country is situated outside of South-East Asia.
err i don't know if the reward is kinda "different" lol , but that's cute i want one XD
Monday, 16 July 2012
Event: Magnificent Rewards with Magnifying Glasses!
The Bonus Magnifyque Chests event is back by popular demand for an entire week!
From 14th to 22nd July, use a [Magnifying Glass] (Get them from the Cash Shop!) to inspect your Dungeon Chests at the end of the run and you’ll be rewarded with an item from the Bonus Magnifyque Chest for each [Magnifying Glass] used!
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to see the real size: right click-open link in a new tab |
You can get as many items as you want from the Bonus Magnifyque Chest within the event period.
The Bonus Magnifyque Chest contains some truly Magnifycent Rewards, so hop on over to the Cash Shop and grab some [Magnifying Glass] to Magnify your weekend today!
- All rewards from the Bonus Magnifyque Chest will be credited to your in-game mailbox the next day before 2359HRS. (e.g [Magnifying Glass] used on 14th July, rewards will be credited on 15th July before 2359HRS.)
*Note: All [Magnifying Glass] used on Friday, 13 July 2012, from 0000HRS onwards will also be counted in for the rewards offered in this promotion.
Event: The Avengers – of Lagendia! (BETA) 14–20 Jul
Calling all brave seasoned adventurers of Lagendia!
DragonNest have created a new special title just for you: Avengers Of Lagendia!
How about that for awesome title! Interested? Here’s how you can get your hands on it:
And remember, if we can’t protect Lagendia… you can be darn sure we’ll avenge it!
- This event starts on 14 July 2012, 0900HRS and ends at 20 July 2012, 2359HRS (GMT+8).
- Eligible players will get the title the day after they have met all requirements.
- This title is temporary and lasts for 14 days.
- The title will be issued out through the Cash Shop’s Gift Box system.
How to claim your title:
1) Meet all requirements within the event period (14 – 20 July)
2) Retrieve the title from your Gift Box in the Cash Shop
3) Access your inventory under ‘CC Tab’
4) Right-click the title in your inventory to redeem it
5) Access your Title Menu through your Character Menu and tick the boxes next to it to equip it
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
New patch
Dragon nest having a new patch , so that means also have new updates
Check the updates:
1. New Costumes
2. Pet Dyes
3. New Mount from Gacha Box = Unicorn
4. DNP
Now players can sell items to earn DNP from Trading House. DNP is points that has the same value as CC. That means, you can buy cash items using DNP as the same price as CC. Players can also buy DNP using CC.
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To see the real size: right click - open link in a new tab |
5. Some new updates
- Unfriendliness removed from NPC Friendship System.
- Quantity of NPC Gifts allowed to be given has been increased to 50 at a time.
- Players are now able to delete their unwanted Cash Items from their inventories.
- Item: Binding Seal is now able to seal up to Level 32 equipment (Previously up to Level 16)
- The chances of getting Low Grade Potential Codes from the Altea’s Gacha-Box have been reduced. That means everyone gets better chances at the rare items available!
6. Guild
- Guild Points system will be replaced with Guild EXP system (all guilds level will be readjusted according the new update). How to get Guild EXP is exactly the same as how to get Guild Points
- New Guild Recruitment System added
- Guild Buffs. Now you can apply guild buffs to all member in the guild
- Guild War. This, i still have no idea (i'll add up some info later)
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To see the real size: right click - open link in a new tab |
Friday, 29 June 2012
Random SS
I just made a new blog
It contains screenshots from my characters and other stuff at Dragon Nest
Its only for fun tho, and just wanna share. Nothing special ^_^
If u like to see, visit theternalguild.blogspot.com
thank you :)
It contains screenshots from my characters and other stuff at Dragon Nest
Its only for fun tho, and just wanna share. Nothing special ^_^
If u like to see, visit theternalguild.blogspot.com
thank you :)
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Event: Magnify Your Chest Rewards! (24–26 Jun)
This weekend, from 24th to 26th June use a [Magnifying Glass] to inspect your Dungeon Chests at the end of the run and you’ll be rewarded with an item from the Bonus Magnifyque Chest for each [Magnifying Glass] used!
You can get as many items as you want from the Bonus Magnifyque Chest within the event period.
The Bonus Magnifyque Chest contains some truly Magnifycent Rewards, so hop on over to the Cash Shop and grab some [Magnifying Glass] to Magnify your weekend today!
- More rewards are added into the reward list.
1. Epic Enhancement Heraldry Plate x1 (Destruction/Magician/Ultimate/Life Vitality Plates)
2. Epic 40 Level General Vortex Code Common Pouch x1
3. Epic 40 Level General Spiral Code Common Pouch x1
- All rewards from the Bonus Magnifyque Chest will be credited to your in-game mailbox the next day before 2359HRS. (e.g [Magnifying Glass] used on 24th Jun, rewards will be credited on 25th Jun before 2359HRS.)
*Note: All [Magnifying Glass] used on 23 June 2012, from 0000HRS to 2359HRS (GMT+8) will also be counted in for the rewards offered in this promotion.
This event is so awesome!! I just got apo ring from this event ~ cool ~ ^___^
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Sea Dragon Nest Resist Data
Below is the information about the resist. for all the mobs in Sea Dragon nest.
Negative means "weakness", Postive means "Resist"
credits: chaose5
Sea Dragon Nest Guide: Final Stage, Stage 7
Stage 7: Sea Dragon - Serpenta
First Map: Phase 1
HP x 20
Upon going into this stage, Serpenta will cast dragon breath attack, which is almost one hit ko for most players. Quickly hide at the corner (see Video) to avoid the breath.
Phase 1 skill:
* Claw: Melee ranged
* Middle Bite (Peck): Long ranged. Serpenta won't be able to hit you with this attack if you are hiding at the corner or stay by the side.
* Dragon Breath: Will cast every 60sec once. Must avoid by hiding at the two corners. It has some sort of suction effect, so arrow key has to be hold down to avoid getting sucks in.
Dragon Breath is a special attack that can remove any buff on the target. So nothing can save your from it (shield block, avatar, miracle etc). However, a special cooking item will make you immune to breath attack for a short duration.
HP x19
* Side Pecking: Serpenta will be able reach the corner at this phase. DPS char should see the motion of his head. Avoid swiftly if he is pecking into your direction.
* Ice Claw: higher damage, slow effect.
After the HP is brought down by 85% for this hp bar, Serpenta will fly to the next map.
Before going into the second map, cast a highland on everyone. Miracle hand should be ready.
Second Map: Phase 2 - Cannon Phase
HP x 18.15
Before entering this map, cast highland and buff up.
Upon reaching the 2nd map, move to one of the edge of the map and overlap each other. Miracle hand should be cast immediately after that.
The reason for overlapping is because ice flake will be cast on party member which has a eye icon. The ice flake will not hit the person with the eye icon and the person overlapping with him. However, ice flake will deal heavy damage to people around it.
The reason for casting miracle hand is to reduce the damage from spike thrown by Serpenta. After his first dive breath, the 3 cannon holder can move to their respective cannons.
Serpenta will be flying around in the sky during this phase. He can only be damaged by Cannons. Paladin can try to reflect the damage of spikes also.
There are 5 cannons lying in line. It is advised that only the first, third and fifth cannons are used. leaving a gap of empty cannon between each cannons. The reason for doing so is to avoid the ice flakes (see below).
Boss Skills:
* Ice Flakes (Eye): Serpenta will mark a few player in the party. Dark eyes symbols will appear on those who are being marked. Serpenta will shoot ice flakes at those who are being marked. However, it won't damage the one being marked but only members around him, 50k ~ 70k damage, AOE, slow effect. Everyone should stand apart from those who are marked. Another method is stand exactly with the one being marked, overlapping each other.
* Monster-throwing attack (Spike): Serpenta will throw monster from the sky to deal damage. Serpenta will never aim the person handling the cannon. To avoid getting hit by spikes, simply move from your current location when you see the black smoke on the dragon and spikes are thrown from him. Paladin should also provoke the monster so that they won't attack the person handling the cannons.
* Ice meteor (Cube): Serpenta summon 5 ice meteors on the sky. They will grow and move towards the whole team slowly and explode. Damage is around 90k+, and extremely large AOE. The meteors can be destroyed with cannons (5-6 normal shot, 1 charged shot). In the unlikely event that the ice meteor can't be destroyed, it is recommended that all members run to the safe zone (see picture) to avoid the damage from ice meteor.
Normally the party member who are not holding any cannons will be split into 2-3 subgroups, each at the side of the map. Move according to the skill cast: eye - overlap, spike - move around.
After the dragon is brought down to near HPx16 (roughly 25%), the person handling the middle cannon should run and gather at the sides with the other party members.
The other party members should be informed (they will not see the dragon's HP since they never hit it with cannon). Miracle hand should be cast and all party members overlap each other near the sides of the map.
The other 2 members at the 1st and 5th cannon should observe the dragon's HP and its profile picture beside his HP carefully. Note that it normally glows red if the cannon hit the dragon. However, when the dragon's profile picture STOP GLOWING RED even if the cannon hit it, press ESC to release yourself from the cannon and dash to the sides of the map ASAP. The Dragon will dive down with a breath attack very shortly afterwards.
NOTE #1: The dragon might not dive immediately at 16.25x HP. He might cast an additional wave of ice meteor which can prove dangerous if not dealt with. To prevent this, it is better to wait for additional rounds of ice meteor at 16.4x HP. After clearing this round of ice meteor, the 3rd cannoner can go to the side and overlap with others. The 1st and 5th cannoner will then continue hitting the dragon till the dragon dive down.
NOTE #2: After it stop glowing red, DO NOT run back to the cannon NO MATTER what happen.
Phase 3
Main-T stand near the edge of the map where the cannons previously were and start provoking the dragon. Sub-T stand beside him, roughly one cannon distance away. The other 6 party members should be divided into 2 sub-groups each at one side of the dragon.
Main-T & Provoke
Main T must keep the aggro on the dragon at all times and make sure the dragon is facing you. Provoke need to be level 7 at least with A/B duration plate.
The timing for provoke is an art. It should not be spam whenever it is cooldown because the dragon is "immune" to provoke at several occasion.
Most main-T will stay near the edge of the map to prevent Blackhole from being cast. While at the edge of the map, provoke should only be cast is when the dragon is
* not doing anything
* pecking sub-T or main-T
* claw attack (with no ice)
* doing tail swipe.
* turning around when aggro on you is lost.
* casting rotating dragon breath ( you will need to walk nearer to him)
Provoke should not be cast when the dragon is:
* casting ice claw
* casting blackhole
* flying and doing any airborne skills
* casting ice age (bind)
* casting rotating dragon breath (when you are at the edge of the map)
Note: rotating dragon breath can only be provoked if you walk nearer to him. Staying at the edge of the map while casting provoke during this skills is useless.
The two subgroups should gather at the tail of the dragon and deal damage under miracle hand.
HP x 16.25
* Bite: Serpenta will be using this throughout the whole battle. Normally only aimed at the paladins.
* Ice Claw: homing effect, can be blocked with mirror. Will be cast throughout the whole battle.
Paladin has to take note that the ice claw will cause lost aggro. Main-T or Sub-T has to refresh the aggro with provoke right after the ice claw attack. The key role of the two paladins is to make sure the dragon doesn't turn his head towards the other party members.
HP x 15.25
* Dive Breath (Dive): Serpenta will flap his wings and fly to the sky. Shortly after that, he will dive down with a breath attack. Take note of which way his head is facing. Members from the two subgroups hide at the two map edges at their respective edges (to the left or right of dragon) of the map to avoid it. Main-T and Sub-T should run to the side too.
HP x14.25
* Rotating dragon breath: First cast at 14.25 x HP. Angle of rotation is roughly 180~270 degree, can be clockwise or counterclockwise. The screen will go blur for awhile while Serpenta flaps his wing. The blur effect induce a slow status on all party members. The breath attack that follows clear all buffs and deal very high damage.
Mercenary and Paladin roles are very important here.
* Approach the dragon (near tail or hind legs) with super armor buff when the dragon's HP is near 14.25
* Once the screen goes bluff, cast Relieve immediately which clears the slow effect.
* Cast Devastating howl before the dragon flies up and start his breath attack.
* If you miss (no HP reduction observed), inform the paladin immediately and the paladin will have to eat dragon breath potion to withstand the damage.
* Cast elemental aura to reduce ice/water damage from the rotating breath (permanent aura effect cannot be removed by the breath). Although mercenary induce at 80% attack reduction on the dragon, the damage is still extremely high. Roughly 50k damage will be induced on the paladin under the combination of devastating howl + elemental aura.
* Stay at your current location. Do not run to your other party members. If you manage to provoke before the casting of rotating breath, the dragon will not rotate at all. This is important because you certainly don't want your other party members' buffs, especially buff potion, to be cleared by the breath attack.
* If devastating howl debuff is not applied to the dragon for some reason, eat dragon breath potion to be immune to the breath for 10sec.
After the first rotating dragon breath at 14.25xHP, the next rotating dragon breath will be casted after every 90second.
There are two types of Rotating Dragon Breath:
(i) HP-triggered
* cast at 14.25, 9.25, 7.25 and 5.25 x HP.
(ii) Time-triggered
* cast every 90sec after the first HP-triggered breath at 14.25. Will stop after hitting HPx10.5.
Mercenaries have to make sure that their essential skills: super armor buff, relief, and devastating howl are ready before the rotating dragon breath.
HPx 13.25
* Ice Age (Bind): Serpenta will raise his head and flap his wings, freezing players. Player will die shortly afterwards. ~110k damage. Normally the person with the highest aggro will be frozen. From now onwards, Ice Age will be cast throughout the whole battle except 9.25~7.25x HP.
Typically, that person is the main-T. If the main-T was frozen, the sub-T need to save him RIGHT AWAY with Smite. The main-T can prevent himself from being frozen by casting avatar or place summoned units (claw, hound or mushroom) in front of himself and take steps backwards. The frozen attack has a certain AOE and if the main-T is too close to the summoned units, he will be frozen as well. If the sub-T is a priest instead of paladin, relic should be cast in front of the main-T to act as sacrificial target.
However, if the pally lose aggro and some other members are frozen, the other members in his sub-group should save him. Use high super armor break skills (miracle hand if need to) to break the ice. Try not to stand too near each other when ice age is cast so that the whole sub-group will not be frozen all together.
Certain classes can summon sacrificial target to be frozen by ice age and thus preventing himself from being frozen. It is important to make sure that you, your sacrificial target and the head of the dragon are perfectly in-line and you are not too close to your sacrifice target.
- Priest: all relics
- Academic : all summons
- Force user: mirror
* Black hole & Tail Coil: CD ~30sec. He will spit some dark matter which will suck whoever nearby to its center. Serpenta will then turn around his body and use hits tail to coil around anyone at the center of the dark matter, suffocating him. Extremely high damage. If you ever get sucked into the blackhole, spam jump and tumble/blink to have a slight chance to getting out. He will stop casting this after HPx7.25
Phase 4
HP x 9.25
When the dragon flies, there are two possibilities: ice rain( purple bomb) or dive with breath attack.
* Ice Rain (Bomb): cleric just cast shield block. non-cleric have to keep running to avoid being damaged. Ice rain will be casted from 9.25x to 4.25x HP. It is important to note that relics and summon units attract rain also. When running, DO NOT run towards relic and summon units or any of your party members.
NOTE: Ice Age will NOT appear from 9.25x to 7.25x HP.
7.25X TO 4.25X HP
* Ice Flakes: A few members will be marked with eyes. 4 waves of ice flakes will be thrown down on some marked members. A small area within the ice flakes will be the safe zone.
Sub-group members have to stand overlapped with the marked person at the side to avoid being damage. Has a small suction effect. Do not re-adjust your position with arrow key.
Each of the 3 subgroups has to decide on a fixed location to run to and gather for overlapping. The locations are normally marked by geographical features for easy reference ( rock, hole etc) When the dragon flies, move to the spot immediately when eyes are spotted on party members.
It is advised that the view should not be panned away from the dragon. The reason is, the dragon might cast ice rain when it flies, which requires you to run away from others, instead of gathering.
* Frontal Breath: Follows immediately after the 4th wave of ice flake. The two subgroups at the side move further towards the back of the dragon slightly to avoid this breath. The tanker subgroup move the edge of the map (in the direction the dragon is facing).
* Dive Breath: Follows immediately after the frontal breath. Hide at the edges as usual.
The 3-combo: Ice flake > frontal breath > dive will always be cast together. The 3 combo will be cast from 7.25x to death.
* Side Breath: This breath is extremely dangerous. He will cast this when he is on the ground, almost randomly. The breath spans from the front leg to the end of the tail. Therefore, it's very important NOT to stand any where near his sides after HPx6.25. The safe place to gather and deal damage is at the TIP of the tail.
It is advised that, each ground, either miracle hand or devastating howl should be cast at the gathering point at the tail tip. When moving towards the tail tip, beware not to get too close to the side of the dragon. Try to move along the edge of the map, to be safe.
This is the most challenging phase of the whole dragon battle because the dragon will try to trick you with some false signals.
Normally, eye is followed by ice flakes. The default action after seeing eye on party members , is to overlapped with your party members. However, after HPx6.25, after putting eye icon, he MIGHT start to cast ice rain instead of ice flake. If you stay overlap and not moving, you will be wiped out very soon.
The key to solve this is to differentiate the casting animation between ice rain and ice flakes. Observe what he do after he flies.
* sometimes you probably don't have time to check the sky for his casting animation after he flies up , since you might be moving toward the overlapping point.
* listen to the video above, and memorize the sound the dragon made when he is casting the ice rain.
* once you can do that, you don't even need to check the sky to know that ice rain is coming. Very powerful technique once you have mastered it.
* What you need to do in both cases above, is to cast your shield block if you have (should save for it) Or, if you don't have shield block, then just keep moving.... It 's a bit like Manticore flying bombing where he won't hit you if you keep moving.
However, do not run into the other party members or tragedy will happen =.= Assign 3 paths for each members from each sub-group to run so that you guys won't run into each other.
For flakes, his attack animation are described as follows:
Eye (Real) + Ice Flakes:
- After placing eye, if you see that his mouth breath dark/icy breath with dark smoke on both claws. After a roar, it will throw flakes.
* You should quickly move to the assigned overlap spot.
Phase 5 - "Pig-Head Mode"
HP x 4.25
At this last phase, when Serpenta is airborne, it will DEFINITELY cast the 3 combo. So simply move the overlap spot without even looking at him.
He will still cast the usual ice claw, ice age, side breath and bite when he is on the ground. However, black hole will not appear again.
There will be 4 final chests after you defeat the dragon.
The usual drops are a few parts of sea dragon gears, S-rank potential codes and S-rank skill plates, with a lot of gold and intermediate gems.
credits: chaose5
First Map: Phase 1
HP x 20
Upon going into this stage, Serpenta will cast dragon breath attack, which is almost one hit ko for most players. Quickly hide at the corner (see Video) to avoid the breath.
Phase 1 skill:
* Claw: Melee ranged
* Middle Bite (Peck): Long ranged. Serpenta won't be able to hit you with this attack if you are hiding at the corner or stay by the side.
* Dragon Breath: Will cast every 60sec once. Must avoid by hiding at the two corners. It has some sort of suction effect, so arrow key has to be hold down to avoid getting sucks in.
Dragon Breath is a special attack that can remove any buff on the target. So nothing can save your from it (shield block, avatar, miracle etc). However, a special cooking item will make you immune to breath attack for a short duration.
HP x19
* Side Pecking: Serpenta will be able reach the corner at this phase. DPS char should see the motion of his head. Avoid swiftly if he is pecking into your direction.
* Ice Claw: higher damage, slow effect.
After the HP is brought down by 85% for this hp bar, Serpenta will fly to the next map.
Before going into the second map, cast a highland on everyone. Miracle hand should be ready.
Second Map: Phase 2 - Cannon Phase
HP x 18.15
Before entering this map, cast highland and buff up.
Upon reaching the 2nd map, move to one of the edge of the map and overlap each other. Miracle hand should be cast immediately after that.
The reason for overlapping is because ice flake will be cast on party member which has a eye icon. The ice flake will not hit the person with the eye icon and the person overlapping with him. However, ice flake will deal heavy damage to people around it.
The reason for casting miracle hand is to reduce the damage from spike thrown by Serpenta. After his first dive breath, the 3 cannon holder can move to their respective cannons.
Serpenta will be flying around in the sky during this phase. He can only be damaged by Cannons. Paladin can try to reflect the damage of spikes also.
There are 5 cannons lying in line. It is advised that only the first, third and fifth cannons are used. leaving a gap of empty cannon between each cannons. The reason for doing so is to avoid the ice flakes (see below).
Boss Skills:
* Ice Flakes (Eye): Serpenta will mark a few player in the party. Dark eyes symbols will appear on those who are being marked. Serpenta will shoot ice flakes at those who are being marked. However, it won't damage the one being marked but only members around him, 50k ~ 70k damage, AOE, slow effect. Everyone should stand apart from those who are marked. Another method is stand exactly with the one being marked, overlapping each other.
* Monster-throwing attack (Spike): Serpenta will throw monster from the sky to deal damage. Serpenta will never aim the person handling the cannon. To avoid getting hit by spikes, simply move from your current location when you see the black smoke on the dragon and spikes are thrown from him. Paladin should also provoke the monster so that they won't attack the person handling the cannons.
* Ice meteor (Cube): Serpenta summon 5 ice meteors on the sky. They will grow and move towards the whole team slowly and explode. Damage is around 90k+, and extremely large AOE. The meteors can be destroyed with cannons (5-6 normal shot, 1 charged shot). In the unlikely event that the ice meteor can't be destroyed, it is recommended that all members run to the safe zone (see picture) to avoid the damage from ice meteor.
Normally the party member who are not holding any cannons will be split into 2-3 subgroups, each at the side of the map. Move according to the skill cast: eye - overlap, spike - move around.
After the dragon is brought down to near HPx16 (roughly 25%), the person handling the middle cannon should run and gather at the sides with the other party members.
The other party members should be informed (they will not see the dragon's HP since they never hit it with cannon). Miracle hand should be cast and all party members overlap each other near the sides of the map.
The other 2 members at the 1st and 5th cannon should observe the dragon's HP and its profile picture beside his HP carefully. Note that it normally glows red if the cannon hit the dragon. However, when the dragon's profile picture STOP GLOWING RED even if the cannon hit it, press ESC to release yourself from the cannon and dash to the sides of the map ASAP. The Dragon will dive down with a breath attack very shortly afterwards.
NOTE #1: The dragon might not dive immediately at 16.25x HP. He might cast an additional wave of ice meteor which can prove dangerous if not dealt with. To prevent this, it is better to wait for additional rounds of ice meteor at 16.4x HP. After clearing this round of ice meteor, the 3rd cannoner can go to the side and overlap with others. The 1st and 5th cannoner will then continue hitting the dragon till the dragon dive down.
NOTE #2: After it stop glowing red, DO NOT run back to the cannon NO MATTER what happen.
Phase 3
Main-T stand near the edge of the map where the cannons previously were and start provoking the dragon. Sub-T stand beside him, roughly one cannon distance away. The other 6 party members should be divided into 2 sub-groups each at one side of the dragon.
Main-T & Provoke
Main T must keep the aggro on the dragon at all times and make sure the dragon is facing you. Provoke need to be level 7 at least with A/B duration plate.
The timing for provoke is an art. It should not be spam whenever it is cooldown because the dragon is "immune" to provoke at several occasion.
Most main-T will stay near the edge of the map to prevent Blackhole from being cast. While at the edge of the map, provoke should only be cast is when the dragon is
* not doing anything
* pecking sub-T or main-T
* claw attack (with no ice)
* doing tail swipe.
* turning around when aggro on you is lost.
* casting rotating dragon breath ( you will need to walk nearer to him)
Provoke should not be cast when the dragon is:
* casting ice claw
* casting blackhole
* flying and doing any airborne skills
* casting ice age (bind)
* casting rotating dragon breath (when you are at the edge of the map)
Note: rotating dragon breath can only be provoked if you walk nearer to him. Staying at the edge of the map while casting provoke during this skills is useless.
The two subgroups should gather at the tail of the dragon and deal damage under miracle hand.
HP x 16.25
* Bite: Serpenta will be using this throughout the whole battle. Normally only aimed at the paladins.
* Ice Claw: homing effect, can be blocked with mirror. Will be cast throughout the whole battle.
Paladin has to take note that the ice claw will cause lost aggro. Main-T or Sub-T has to refresh the aggro with provoke right after the ice claw attack. The key role of the two paladins is to make sure the dragon doesn't turn his head towards the other party members.
HP x 15.25
* Dive Breath (Dive): Serpenta will flap his wings and fly to the sky. Shortly after that, he will dive down with a breath attack. Take note of which way his head is facing. Members from the two subgroups hide at the two map edges at their respective edges (to the left or right of dragon) of the map to avoid it. Main-T and Sub-T should run to the side too.
HP x14.25
* Rotating dragon breath: First cast at 14.25 x HP. Angle of rotation is roughly 180~270 degree, can be clockwise or counterclockwise. The screen will go blur for awhile while Serpenta flaps his wing. The blur effect induce a slow status on all party members. The breath attack that follows clear all buffs and deal very high damage.
Mercenary and Paladin roles are very important here.
* Approach the dragon (near tail or hind legs) with super armor buff when the dragon's HP is near 14.25
* Once the screen goes bluff, cast Relieve immediately which clears the slow effect.
* Cast Devastating howl before the dragon flies up and start his breath attack.
* If you miss (no HP reduction observed), inform the paladin immediately and the paladin will have to eat dragon breath potion to withstand the damage.
* Cast elemental aura to reduce ice/water damage from the rotating breath (permanent aura effect cannot be removed by the breath). Although mercenary induce at 80% attack reduction on the dragon, the damage is still extremely high. Roughly 50k damage will be induced on the paladin under the combination of devastating howl + elemental aura.
* Stay at your current location. Do not run to your other party members. If you manage to provoke before the casting of rotating breath, the dragon will not rotate at all. This is important because you certainly don't want your other party members' buffs, especially buff potion, to be cleared by the breath attack.
* If devastating howl debuff is not applied to the dragon for some reason, eat dragon breath potion to be immune to the breath for 10sec.
After the first rotating dragon breath at 14.25xHP, the next rotating dragon breath will be casted after every 90second.
There are two types of Rotating Dragon Breath:
(i) HP-triggered
* cast at 14.25, 9.25, 7.25 and 5.25 x HP.
(ii) Time-triggered
* cast every 90sec after the first HP-triggered breath at 14.25. Will stop after hitting HPx10.5.
Mercenaries have to make sure that their essential skills: super armor buff, relief, and devastating howl are ready before the rotating dragon breath.
HPx 13.25
* Ice Age (Bind): Serpenta will raise his head and flap his wings, freezing players. Player will die shortly afterwards. ~110k damage. Normally the person with the highest aggro will be frozen. From now onwards, Ice Age will be cast throughout the whole battle except 9.25~7.25x HP.
Typically, that person is the main-T. If the main-T was frozen, the sub-T need to save him RIGHT AWAY with Smite. The main-T can prevent himself from being frozen by casting avatar or place summoned units (claw, hound or mushroom) in front of himself and take steps backwards. The frozen attack has a certain AOE and if the main-T is too close to the summoned units, he will be frozen as well. If the sub-T is a priest instead of paladin, relic should be cast in front of the main-T to act as sacrificial target.
However, if the pally lose aggro and some other members are frozen, the other members in his sub-group should save him. Use high super armor break skills (miracle hand if need to) to break the ice. Try not to stand too near each other when ice age is cast so that the whole sub-group will not be frozen all together.
Certain classes can summon sacrificial target to be frozen by ice age and thus preventing himself from being frozen. It is important to make sure that you, your sacrificial target and the head of the dragon are perfectly in-line and you are not too close to your sacrifice target.
- Priest: all relics
- Academic : all summons
- Force user: mirror
* Black hole & Tail Coil: CD ~30sec. He will spit some dark matter which will suck whoever nearby to its center. Serpenta will then turn around his body and use hits tail to coil around anyone at the center of the dark matter, suffocating him. Extremely high damage. If you ever get sucked into the blackhole, spam jump and tumble/blink to have a slight chance to getting out. He will stop casting this after HPx7.25
Phase 4
HP x 9.25
When the dragon flies, there are two possibilities: ice rain( purple bomb) or dive with breath attack.
* Ice Rain (Bomb): cleric just cast shield block. non-cleric have to keep running to avoid being damaged. Ice rain will be casted from 9.25x to 4.25x HP. It is important to note that relics and summon units attract rain also. When running, DO NOT run towards relic and summon units or any of your party members.
NOTE: Ice Age will NOT appear from 9.25x to 7.25x HP.
7.25X TO 4.25X HP
* Ice Flakes: A few members will be marked with eyes. 4 waves of ice flakes will be thrown down on some marked members. A small area within the ice flakes will be the safe zone.
Sub-group members have to stand overlapped with the marked person at the side to avoid being damage. Has a small suction effect. Do not re-adjust your position with arrow key.
Each of the 3 subgroups has to decide on a fixed location to run to and gather for overlapping. The locations are normally marked by geographical features for easy reference ( rock, hole etc) When the dragon flies, move to the spot immediately when eyes are spotted on party members.
It is advised that the view should not be panned away from the dragon. The reason is, the dragon might cast ice rain when it flies, which requires you to run away from others, instead of gathering.
* Frontal Breath: Follows immediately after the 4th wave of ice flake. The two subgroups at the side move further towards the back of the dragon slightly to avoid this breath. The tanker subgroup move the edge of the map (in the direction the dragon is facing).
* Dive Breath: Follows immediately after the frontal breath. Hide at the edges as usual.
The 3-combo: Ice flake > frontal breath > dive will always be cast together. The 3 combo will be cast from 7.25x to death.
* Side Breath: This breath is extremely dangerous. He will cast this when he is on the ground, almost randomly. The breath spans from the front leg to the end of the tail. Therefore, it's very important NOT to stand any where near his sides after HPx6.25. The safe place to gather and deal damage is at the TIP of the tail.
It is advised that, each ground, either miracle hand or devastating howl should be cast at the gathering point at the tail tip. When moving towards the tail tip, beware not to get too close to the side of the dragon. Try to move along the edge of the map, to be safe.
This is the most challenging phase of the whole dragon battle because the dragon will try to trick you with some false signals.
Normally, eye is followed by ice flakes. The default action after seeing eye on party members , is to overlapped with your party members. However, after HPx6.25, after putting eye icon, he MIGHT start to cast ice rain instead of ice flake. If you stay overlap and not moving, you will be wiped out very soon.
The key to solve this is to differentiate the casting animation between ice rain and ice flakes. Observe what he do after he flies.
* sometimes you probably don't have time to check the sky for his casting animation after he flies up , since you might be moving toward the overlapping point.
* listen to the video above, and memorize the sound the dragon made when he is casting the ice rain.
* once you can do that, you don't even need to check the sky to know that ice rain is coming. Very powerful technique once you have mastered it.
* What you need to do in both cases above, is to cast your shield block if you have (should save for it) Or, if you don't have shield block, then just keep moving.... It 's a bit like Manticore flying bombing where he won't hit you if you keep moving.
However, do not run into the other party members or tragedy will happen =.= Assign 3 paths for each members from each sub-group to run so that you guys won't run into each other.
For flakes, his attack animation are described as follows:
Eye (Real) + Ice Flakes:
- After placing eye, if you see that his mouth breath dark/icy breath with dark smoke on both claws. After a roar, it will throw flakes.
* You should quickly move to the assigned overlap spot.
Phase 5 - "Pig-Head Mode"
HP x 4.25
At this last phase, when Serpenta is airborne, it will DEFINITELY cast the 3 combo. So simply move the overlap spot without even looking at him.
He will still cast the usual ice claw, ice age, side breath and bite when he is on the ground. However, black hole will not appear again.
There will be 4 final chests after you defeat the dragon.
The usual drops are a few parts of sea dragon gears, S-rank potential codes and S-rank skill plates, with a lot of gold and intermediate gems.
credits: chaose5
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